Coming Home

    Last week I was driving down Hwy 7 in Estes Park and almost hit a hawk.  It flew from the side and turned to fly directly in front of me about 3 feet above the ground right in front of my bumper.  It refused to drop the rabbit that was weighing it down,

Mini Retreats: Circa 1997

My apologies. I have refrained from blogging for way too long. Cannot even blame it on COVID-19; just taking a break from the internet. I’ve sort of gotten back into my hermit lifestyle – and fortunately was drug out of it, literally, by some of our great ‘crafty’ people who just needed a getaway. With

Continuing to Stay Safe

We’ve had a good summer – as good as one could expect in a pandemic – and want to thank all those guests who were there for us! All were kept safe; we are feeling good and looking forward with some exciting specials. In keeping with our practice of staying socially responsible we have temporarily
One of our fantastic ‘regulars’ (ninth time here) came to spend a “relaxing” six days with us after having played caregiver for some time. She graciously wrote us a synopsis of her stay in the Hideway. (Sept. 10-15, 2020) “Stay here many times – never in this room – it has quickly become my favorite.