Recipe: Pear and Cranberry Crisp
Thursday, 12 June 2014
A new favorite here at the Allenspark Lodge B&B is a pear/cranberry crisp – and it’s simple. This is fantastic served warm, but also good when cold. Don’t forget the whipped cream on top! If gluten sensitive people are OK with oats, this is a good one. 3 large pears, peeled, cored and sliced. 1/3
- Published in Fruit Dishes, Recipes
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Spinning for Fun
Sunday, 08 June 2014
We want to give a big “Thank You” to our newest group: the spinners and knitters. This is the first time we have had spinning wheels in the lodge – a lot of them. It was fun to watch all the beautiful bundles of wool being turned into yarn… … then seeing all
- Published in Groups
Recipe: Oven Baked Omelet
Sunday, 01 June 2014
A favorite dish here at the Allenspark Lodge B&B – and easy to make! Oven Baked Omelet 9″ x 13″ glass baking pan sprayed w/PAM 350 degrees – 45 minutes 1 c. salsa – spread in bottom of pan 2 c. shredded cheddar cheese \ spread evenly over salsa 2 c. shredded
- Published in Egg Dishes, Recipes