4th of July Parade
Friday, 04 July 2014
We have the ‘biggest little parade in the state’ right here in Allenspark! We have lots of horses, firetrucks, tractors … and just about anything else anyone wants to have. This year started out with the horses from our neighbor, Peaceful Valley Dude Ranch. The band actually came pretty early on this
- Published in Horses, Mountain Life
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Allenspark Lawn Services – For Hire
Friday, 13 June 2014
The grass here at Allenspark has gotten knee deep. Something needed to be done and the ‘neigh’-bors offered to help. Actually, they have been offering their services for days. Today we relented. We popped up a new addition to the hot wire; they watched with interest. Finally, we let them get to work. They
- Published in Horses
Recipe: Pear and Cranberry Crisp
Thursday, 12 June 2014
A new favorite here at the Allenspark Lodge B&B is a pear/cranberry crisp – and it’s simple. This is fantastic served warm, but also good when cold. Don’t forget the whipped cream on top! If gluten sensitive people are OK with oats, this is a good one. 3 large pears, peeled, cored and sliced. 1/3
- Published in Fruit Dishes, Recipes