Spinning for Fun

We want to give a big “Thank You” to our newest group:  the spinners and knitters.     This is the first time we have had spinning wheels in the lodge – a lot of them.  It was fun to watch all the beautiful bundles of wool being turned into yarn… … then seeing all

Recipe: Oven Baked Omelet

A favorite dish here at the Allenspark Lodge B&B – and easy to make! Oven Baked Omelet                          9″ x 13″ glass baking pan sprayed w/PAM     350 degrees – 45 minutes   1 c. salsa – spread in bottom of pan   2 c. shredded cheddar cheese           \ spread evenly over salsa 2 c. shredded

A Moose Surprise

So after a couple of days of a May snow storm, we have more than three feet of new snow; about 18″ on the ground now because it is melting and going away almost as fast as it came down.  The sun is sparkling and the sky BLUE!  I went out to feed, calling to
Welcome to our new website.  We can now respond to your mobile units and all sizes of screens. Our other website expired and our webmaster had taken ill; totally out of commission, so to speak.  We have worked hard to create a fun site – and hopefully useful, too.  We would be pleased to hear