Moose in the Backyard
Monday, 19 October 2015
It’s been a really, really busy summer – but we have enjoyed lots of animal sightings, and several in our own backyard. About a month ago, I was going after Reba in the back, thinking she was chasing a rabbit. The rabbit turned out to be a small black bear. A couple of weeks later,
- Published in Animals, Mountain Life
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We Have ELK!
Sunday, 17 May 2015
It’s been a couple years since we have seen elk really close to the Lodge – or even in the vicinity. Moose moved over from the western slope about the same time the elk started disappearing. Don’t get me wrong; moose are pretty majestic to look at, but not nearly as user-friendly, as in “never
- Published in Animals, Mountain Life
A Moose Surprise
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
So after a couple of days of a May snow storm, we have more than three feet of new snow; about 18″ on the ground now because it is melting and going away almost as fast as it came down. The sun is sparkling and the sky BLUE! I went out to feed, calling to
- Published in Animals, Mountain Life, Weather