
We have been closed now since very early in March by a pesky coronavirus by the name of COVID-19. We are both considered in the ‘high risk’ age group so we are finding ways to amuse ourselves while we self-isolate. We are fortunate in that we have found ways to make this work for us,

Snowshoe Time is Here!

One of the BEST ways to enjoy the out-of-doors in the winter is just that – get outdoors!  We took our own advice and in the company of a couple friends, hit one of the trails in the Wild Basin area of Rocky Mt. National Park, just two miles from us. As you can see,

New Community Members?

We used to have many elk sightings here at Allenspark Lodge;  in our backyard, across the road, sleeping next to the kitchen window . . .  You get the idea.  Over the last 4 – 5 years, the elk seem to have been replaced by moose.  I don’t know if they don’t like each other,

A Sad Good-Bye

We had to say a hard good-bye to a very old friend/worker on Monday.  We lost Phoenix, our white dove, during the night.  It was not totally unexpected; she had not been feeling well the last few days, but would perk up if I petted her or talked to her.  You could tell she was